AACE - Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education P.O. Box 1545
Chesapeake, Virginia 23327-1545 USA
Phone: 757-623-7588
Fax: 703-997-8760
E-mail: info@aace.org
View Proposal/Proceedings File

December 6, 2005

Dear Bettie Hall and co-authors:

Bettie Hall , University of Cincinnati, USA
Patricia McNerney , University of Cincinnati, USA
Meghan Yancy , University of Cincinnati, USA
Susan Farber , University of Cincinnati, USA
Adrienne Carr , University of Cincinnati, USA
Cherie Zieleniewski , University of Cincinnati, USA
Joyce Pittman , University of Cincinnati, USA

We are pleased to inform you that the Program Committee of SITE 2006--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, after rigorous peer review, has decided to accept your submission for presentation.

SITE 2006 will be held in Orlando, Florida, USA, March 20-24, 2006.

Please note that the reviewers may have recommended and, therefore, accepted your submission under a different presentation category from the one you submitted under.

Paper ID: 15706
Title: Shaping Scholarship, Teaching, and Service to Support Knowledge Technologies in All That We Do, Part 2

Accepted as: Symposium
Maximum Proceedings pages: 2

Your Paper Access URL: http://www.aace.org/conf/site/submission/index.cfm?CFID=7201425&CFTOKEN=4184392&
Logon as: hallbe@email.uc.edu
Then select menu item, "Edit Previous Submission."

Reviewers of your submission may have written author comments to offer recommendations on how your submission can be modified or improved. If provided, these were emailed to the contact author.

To enable you to begin making early plans for your trip and registration, see the following information at this URL:

  • Registration Rates
  • Hotel & travel information
  • Proceedings Preparation Guidelines
  • Presenter Lounge offering Presenter Guidelines for:
    • All presentations
    • Tutorials/Workshops
    • Poster/Demos & Corporate Demos
    • AV Equipment

Important Presenter Dates:

By January 30, 2006: Upload Proceedings File

Maximum Proceedings pages: 2 (if 0 pages, then uploading file is not necessary; however, abstract will be published in Abstracts book.)

Guidelines: http://www.aace.org/conf/site/procguide.htm

All proceedings files MUST be received by this date. The last file you upload will used as your published proceedings paper. You may check the latest file by clicking on "View Proposal/Proceedings File" via Your Paper Access URL above.

By January 30, 2006: Review Presentation Information for Final Program

Please review and change, if necessary the following information for publication in the Final Program:

  • Presentation title
  • Abstract (in abstract text box)*
  • Author names and organizations
  • Author order
  • Contact author (see check box)

* The Abstract in the text box displayed on your Paper Information webpage will be published 'as is' in the Conference Abstract book. Please be sure you have pasted your Abstract into this text box.

For Proceedings file uploads and Paper Information changes, use Your Paper Access URL above and log on to the website using the email address: hallbe@email.uc.edu

By January 30, 2006: Register & Confirm at Least One Author

Advance Program/Registration (online & printable) http://www.aace.org/conf/site/

You must confirm you will give your presentation by having at least one author register by this date and choose the papers you will present from the list on the registration form.

If you do not see a listing of the papers you have submitted, make sure that you are logged in with this e-mail address; otherwise, your papers will not be displayed:


Other authors may register later. If we do not receive your confirmation via the registration form by this date, your presentation cannot be included in the Final Program or the Proceedings.

Thank you in advance for your contribution toward the success of SITE 2006; we look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event in Orlando, Florida, USA, March 20-24, 2006.

For the Program Chairs,

Gary Marks
Gary Marks, Ph.D.
SITE/AACE Executive Director